Město Hořovice

The Region


The Hořovice Region

The Hořovice region had a long tradition of metal casting and iron ore processing, which were later followed  by other branches of industry. And yet, the region still features untouched nature and deep forests.

The heavily wooded and hilly region has cooler climate and, due to silicate layers in the soil, is also less fertile than the neighbouring chalky (limestone)Beroun region. Brdy is the only mountain in Central Bohemia range of heights comparable to the borderland ranges. Vysoký Tok in Brdy (865 m) is the highest point in the Central Bohemian Region. Continually covered by forests since prehistoric times, the vast Brdy mountain range has never been home to any larger settlements.

Number of natural monuments in the surrounding area of Hořovice will delight botanists.

Place like Plešivec and Otmíčská hora (Mountain) offer stunning views of  picturesque Central Bohemian landscape. As autumn approaches, forests become a paradise of mushroom pickers (colectors); when there is adequate snowfall, they offer interesting terrain for cross-country skiers.

Neighbouring Hřebeny offer a dense network of marked hiking trails, which are also often used by cyclists. Recently, central Brdy is still an area that has been virtually forgotten by civilisation due to its status of a restricted military zone. The situation has changed today, and selected outlying parts are now open for bikers and hikers at weekends and public holidays.




The Region


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