Město Hořovice

Hořovice Chateau

Hořovice Chateau                        www.zamek-horovice.cz


         Baroque - Classicist premises of Hořovice Chateau were founded in the turn of the 17th and the 18th century. 
Premises of the chateau currently consist of the building of so-called New Chateau with honest court, farm buildings and a park covering an area of approximately 6.4 ha. 

Beginning of the construction development of New Chateau is also not clear, and there are not enough documents available, so it seems it will never be described. First of all, it is possible to say that the building had not been founded before 1648, because a detailed urbary of the Hořovice Domain from that year mentions only a chateau, which is described as "old" today, and that was former Gothic castle. The chateau park was designed in a French style in 1730s.  Baroque sculptures from the workshop of Matthias Bernard Braun are placed there, as well as somewhat younger statue of Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Hanau from Heinrich Natter.

In 1946, the chateau was listed by the National Cultural Commission in the initial file of 47 objects of 1st Category and went into administration of the historical organization.

From 50s up to 70s, its premises were used by various rental organizations. In the year of 1973, i.e. in the period when anti-historical political line was proclaimed officially - there appeared unwillingness to release funds for reconstruction of monuments -, RNDr. Karel Friedl, a Hořovice native, became a director of the National Center for Historic Preservation and Protection of Nature. It was primarily because of him, and it was almost a miracle, that it was enforced to reconstruct Hořovice Chateau. The property had been opened for the public in stages since 1985. In 2000, the chateau was declared to be a national cultural monument, at the present time (2015), it is under the administration of NHI (National Heritage Institute).





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